
Arrival and Dismissal

Student safety and courtesy for others are matters of considerable importance at Silver Oak School. It is important that parents do their part to assist in this effort. We request that all families respect the traffic guidelines.

  • Drive all the way forward in the drive through areas before dropping off or picking up your child.
  • Make sure your child exits your vehicle through the passenger side.
  • Do not park your car and leave it unattended in the drive through areas.
  • Do not block handicap parking spots at any time.
  • At all of the entrances (main parking lot, bus loop and Trowbridge) make sure you pull all the way forward to pick up or drop off your child.
  • Do not double park at any time.
  • Do not park behind other cars, thus blocking their exit.
  • Backpacks should be easily accessible, and children should be prompted by drivers to move quickly and safely onto the sidewalk.
  • Please be courteous to the adults that are assisting our children in arriving and departing from school in a safe manner.

Please review our school Student Drop-off and Pick-up Protocol.


Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is regarded as a very serious problem. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children arrive at school every day on time.

Please email Cassie Giannotta at giannotta@eesd.org or telephone (408) 223-4515 before 8:30 a.m. on the day your child is absent. You may receive an automated phone call at work or home verifying an absence.

Tardiness to class is harmful to the individual student and disruptive to the classroom. Students are marked “tardy” if they arrive at school after 8:05 a.m.

Tardy students must acquire a tardy slip from the office prior to going to class. Parents of students who have frequent absences will be contacted by the classroom teacher and/or the principal to discuss interventions to improve the child’s attendance pattern. Students with excessive absences or tardies may be referred to the Student Study Team, and /or District SARB Committee.

Campus Visitors

If you are bringing lunch, money, assignments, or have other business, please go directly to the office rather than the classroom where such interruptions can be disruptive. Parent volunteers are required to go to the office to sign the visitors’ log and pick up a visitor’s badge before going to the classroom. Parents wishing to visit their child’s classroom should telephone the teacher in advance for an appointment.

We ask that parents and family members who are dropping off and picking up students in the afternoon wait outside the building and not in the multipurpose room or classroom wings. Our students' safety and security is our highest priority.

Early Release From School

Students may not leave the school without permission. If you must remove your child prior to dismissal, please come to the office, and we will notify your child’s class. Please schedule appointments late in the afternoon to minimize disruptions to your child’s education.

Bicycle Policy

Students riding bicycles to school are required to observe the following rules. Silver Oak School assumes no liability in case of theft or vandalism.

  • Wear approved bike helmets.
  • Do not ride bikes on or through the campus.
  • Provide individual lock and chain. Park and lock bicycle in racks provided.

Zuca Backpacks

Zuca rolling backpacks are not allowed on campus for safety reasons.

Expectations for Student Dress

Students are expected to dress appropriately and to be properly groomed for the school day. The type and style of clothing and hairstyle are individual and personal. The school shall be concerned only when these are extreme and could cause distractions or are unsafe. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times for safety reasons. Shorts, skirts and dresses must be a minimum of fingertip-length.

Examples of inappropriate clothing may include:

  • Garments where the torso is exposed, such as tube tops, tank tops, half shirts, spaghetti straps and halter tops.
  • Clothing or buttons which show obscene words or pictures, sexually suggestive statements, drug or alcohol statements.
  • Hats (limited to playground during recess times; no backward caps are allowed).
  • Clothing suggesting gang-related activities
  • Recreational clothing, such as bathing suits, gum shorts, cut-offs, etc.
  • Sandals, opened-toed shoes and platform shoes.


We believe that a student's success in school is directly proportionate to being at school and on time daily. The California Department of Education agrees.

The California Legislature defines a truant in very precise language. In summary, it states that a student missing more than 30 minutes of instruction without an excuse three times during the school year must be classified as a truant and reported to the proper school authority. This classification and referral helps emphasize the importance of school attendance and is intended to help minimize interference with instruction. The California Education Code (EC) section that defines a truant reads as follows:

EC Section 48260(a): Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days or tardy or absent more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or the superintendent of the school district.

In compliance, we will send out truancy letters accordingly. Should you have any questions about letters received, please contact the site Principal. Parents are reminded that a student absence from school is considered "excused" when it is due to illness, a medical/dental appointment, funeral service for a member of the student's immediate family, a court appearance, or religious observance. All other absences are considered to be "unexcused."

Evergreen School District Policies

Substance Abuse Policy

Compliance Policies

  • Uniform Complaint
  • Notice of Uniform Complaint
  • Williams Uniform Complaint
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Non-Discrimination/ Gender Equity/ Harassment
  • Student Use of Technology
  • Parent Involvement

Silver Oak Elementary School

  • 5000 Farnsworth Drive
  • |
  • San Jose, CA 95138
  • |
  • Phone: 408-223-4515
  • |
  • Fax: 408-223-4540
© Evergreen School District
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