From Strong Roots Grow Bright Futures
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Employee Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Safe Together-Schools Reopening Evergreen Staff FAQ

We are incredibly thankful to our staff and families who continue to provide critical feedback, and we are continually working to adapt our practices to meet the needs of our students and staff during these times. Below are some common certificated and classified staff questions that have emerged from meetings that we held with the Evergreen Teachers Association and CSEA Chapter 432 over the past month, as well as questions we have received via email. Please note that there are certain matters that are still pending confirmation due to negotiations and approval of MOUs, and these have been noted below.

Specific information regarding the hybrid learning model is still under development and due to the dynamic nature of the health and safety guidelines and regulations, we will update this page with this information over the coming months. For this reason, these FAQs are addressing questions pertaining to Distance Learning only.

Matters Still Pending

Some certificated staff work conditions--including required live minutes, bell schedule, flexibility with daily format--are still pending, so if they are not addressed below, then more information will be provided at a later date.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

All Staff

Where can I find more information about the district’s 2021-22 school year plans?
Please visit
Where can I find out about the district’s Distance Learning plans?
Please visit and click on the “Distance Learning” button on the left side of the page.


What are the mandated instructional minutes, per grade level, and what about lunch and breaks? Do those count toward instructional minutes?
  • 3 hours for TK/Kindergarten
  • 3 hours, 50 minutes for Grades 1-3
  • 4 hours for Grades 4-8
  • Breaks (do not count toward instructional minutes)
  • Lunch periods (do not count toward instructional minutes)
  • Daily Live interaction
Will I have the choice of working from home or can I work from my classroom?
Our certificated staff will have the flexibility of teaching from the classroom or from home during distance learning
What will my prep time look like?
Teachers will have their prep time daily, and this will be embedded into the schedule.
How can I request an updated ChromeBook or iPad?
More information about technology requests will be provided at a later date.
Will students have the same devices as teachers?
The district has invested in technology so that every student will receive a ChromeBook or iPad. We will make every attempt to provide students the same device as their teacher has, based on our records, but we cannot guarantee that this will occur.
If I need to purchase additional bandwidth through my home internet service provider (ISP), can I get reimbursed and what is the process for doing so?
While Distance Learning is an instruction model, the district will pay the difference between your current household internet service and upgraded high speed internet service. You will submit a copy of the prior month's service bill to show what the service monthly charge was and the following month's bill when the service is increased. The net difference will be reimbursed per month. Your School Principal or Director will sign off on the reimbursement form and a copy of each month's bill will be needed for backup. This is open to any currently employed instructional staff member/para working with students remotely from home.
How will I be able to schedule a sub this year? Will substitutes be trained on distance learning?
Yes, you will be able to schedule substitute teachers this year. Substitute teachers will get trained in distance learning, and each elementary school site will get two long-term substitute teachers and each Middle School will get 3 substitute teachers placed on-site.
What kind of learning platform(s) will we be using? What kinds of programs will the district be purchasing?
The district’s learning platform will be Google Classroom for grades 4-8, Seesaw for TK-3, and Elevation for English Language Learners. Zoom will be the video conferencing platform for our schools. Additional programs may be purchased by the school sites.
When will I receive my class list, may I contact families before the school year begins, and when will parent email contact information be updated?
Once the MOU is approved, the schools can release teacher assignments, schedules and class lists to teachers. Contacting families prior to the first day of school is not required, and is optional if teachers would like to create this connection with students and families before the first day.
Will we be able to use our instructional time to orient students and families over the first few days of school?
Climate, relationship, and culture building is always a part of the process of working with a new group of students during the first few days of school, as are instruction and assessments.
Will there be an opportunity to meet my students before school starts, such as through a Meet & Greet in person?
Principals will be scheduling drive-through equipment/materials pick ups, as well as back to school night activities. However, in person Meet & Greets would not be safe at this time, due to county health orders and the volume of people who would be coming together on campus.
Will class sizes remain the same in distance learning?
Class sizes will remain the same in distance learning.
What kinds of learning and technology help resources will be available to students and their families that I can direct them to?
  • Student ZoomDesk: Students will have the opportunity to call a homework help desk for support with school work.
  • Technology Support Desk: Students and families will have access to tech support. ESD will make efforts to offer tech support in Spanish and Vietnamese.
More information, including website and telephone number information will be provided at a later date.
If I have any students who are struggling with distance learning, what should I do?
Please work with the parents, principal and, if needed, the district’s social workers on developing a re-engagement plan (if the student has attendance issues) and/or learning plan to address their needs.
What will professional development cover before school begins? What will it cover on our ongoing PD days?

i-Ready-August 26th (TBD)
Ellevation (English learner) Training - August/September and ongoing
Google Classroom - August 10-12
Distance Learning Ongoing Training
Asynchronous Training Tech Tuesday newsletter and ESD Most Requested Help Website
Synchronous Training - TBD based on staff survey (1st Wednesdays)
Seesaw - TK-3 (Training TBD)

What will happen with school based activities and traditions?
School-based activities can continue to be offered in a modified manner:
  • Schools will continue to provide school-based activities and clubs, in a virtual format
  • Teachers, Principals, and Support Staff will use a creative approach to help students connect and engage in clubs, and school spirit activities
What will attendance processes and procedures look like?
  • SB 98 creates requirements for reporting attendance during distance learning.
  • Teachers will take students' attendance and participation under distance learning
  • SB 98 defines daily participation & requires districts to develop a re-engagement plan if a student misses more than 60% of their weekly participation rate.
  • Students and families can expect that ESD will make every effort to ensure student participation, including making home visits, if necessary.
  • Student attendance is not optional.
  • ESD will work with families to ensure their children attend school, offering support if the family is experiencing hardships that prevent the child from attending school.

More information will be forthcoming from your site principals regarding the processes and procedures for tracking attendance and instructional minutes. Note: Additional information regarding excused/unexcused absences, reporting absences, as well as addressing technology and electricity (i.e., brown outs) challenges that prevent student attendance, will be provided by your school site.

Will translators be available for EL students and their families?
Spanish and Vietnamese translators and assistance will be available for EL students and their families.
What will the grading structure be for this school year?
The district is returning to a traditional grading model for grades 4-8, and primary grades will receive O,S,U, or N.


My job is dependent on school sites being open. Because the school sites will not be open to students, will I still have a job? Do I have the option to be reassigned?
We are currently evaluating staffing needs to address the work environment and programmatic adjustments due to distance learning, and we will be working with CSEA regarding MOUs for reassignments.

Evergreen School District

  • 3188 Quimby Road
  • |
  • San Jose, CA 95148
  • |
  • Phone: 408-270-6800
  • |
  • Fax: 408-274-3894
  • |
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